Telegram group: ====== MAC311 ====== 1. The _____ has he oldest film industry India China --->> United States Nigeria 2. The first tabloid style newspaper ______ was published in 1903 Daily Courant --->> the Daily Mirrow the Guardian The Gazette 3. The rise of ____ media has facilitated international communication Indigenous local traditional --->> new 4. _____carries current news and appears regularly and frequently --->> Newspaper Book Magazine Encyclopaedia 5. _____ is the largest producer of film in the world China --->> India Nigeria Ghana 6. The feature film was the story of Kelly Gang second third sixth --->> first 7. Local media could be broadly divided into ______ types of ownership two --->> three four five 8. The first feature film was _____ film --->> Australian Nigeran Californian Indian 9. The following are reference books except ____ dictionary atlas --->> memo compedia 10. _____ ownership is when the government totally owns the meda private joint --->> public group