Telegram group: ====== JLS825 ====== 1. Which one of these refers to the character of the communicator? Pathos --->> Ethos Logos Rhema 2. Editorial policies can be expressed through the following ways Except --->> Article of association Editorial cartoon Platforms Slogan 3. Every editorial topic must reflect all these Except Topicality Logicality --->> Personality Factuality 4. All, except one is not an essential balm of an editorial Mind your language --->> Avoid the use of repetition A strong closing appeal Keep the writing simple but mature 5. One of the following guarantees the continued trust and patronage of a particular medium? Platforms --->> Editorial credibility Editorial contact Editorial appeal 6. All, except one is not a determinant of an editorial subject The desire to amaze or amuse Relevance --->> Topic must be foreign Timeliness 7. The technique of presenting one side of the coin is called ____ Glittering generalities Transfer device --->> Card stacking Bandwagon 8. ______reveals the editorial dimension or direction of a newspaper --->> Cartoon Pull quotes Reaction Nutgraph 9. Which of these defines the posture of an editorial? --->> Slogan News peg Editorial contact Editorial calendar 10. Which of the following is not a determinant of editorial policy? Motto Slogan News stories the paper carries --->> The leading article