Telegram group: ====== ISL222 ====== 1. The meaning of halaal is _________________. --->> lawful unlawful rejected optional 2. ’Nasiihat’ is an Arabic word which means _______________. punishment --->> advice tribulation patience 3. An Angel visits man in the womb to determine _______________ things on him. 2 3 --->> 4 5 4. Supply the missing words in the following hadith: ‘I have been commanded to _________ on the people till they testify that there is only one God-----’ --->> wage war put load remove burden pour anointing oil 5. Who among the following was NOT a teacher to Imam an-Nawawi? --->> Marwan ibn al-Hakam Al-Faith ibn Umar ibn Binder Ad-Diya ibn Tamaam al-Hanafi Abi Ishaq Ibrahim ibn al-Muraad 6. The Qur’an mentions salat and zakat together at about _____________ places 64 42 --->> 32 24 7. The theme of hadith 10 of an-Nawawi’s collection is _______________. closeness to Allah --->> avoidance of unlawful things keeping good friends marriage 8. The message of hadith eighteen of an-Nawaawi’s collection contains all the following except ___________. fear of Allah erasing bad deed with good one treating people with good conduct --->> entering toilet with left leg first 9. Imam an-Nawawi travelled to Makkah in the year _____________. --->> 651 A.H 656 A.H 750 A.H 752 A.H 10. ’Rufi ‘atil aklaamu wajaffatis-suhuf’ This prophetic statement means _________________. the word is lifted high --->> the pens have been lifted and the pages are dry Lay fast hold on God and you will find Him in front of you if you must seek help seek help from God