Telegram group: ====== INR393 ====== 1. _ is the basic unit of analysis in the international political system Social groups Individual Military complex --->> State 2. The communist state is governed by a singl political party minded by --->> Marxist-Lennist philosophy Aristotle philosophy Thomas Hobbes Hairs Morgentham 3. _ forms of power distribution are associated with balance of power theory --->> 3 4 5 9 4. The end of Cold war resulted to the new era of? Bipolarity Tripolarity --->> Unipolarity Zero polarity 5. Free market is the central characteristic of _? Communism Socialism --->> Capitalism Realism 6. USSR means _? United States Socialist Republic United Nations Statistical Republic --->> Union of Soviet Socialist Republic United Nations Social Relations 7. The United Nation's organisation has _ principal organs 10 8 7 --->> 6 8. States choose _ because it may be a form of appeasement --->> Band wagon Chain ganging Blood letting Balance of threat 9. The evolution of international political system is categorized into _ stages or phases 6 --->> 5 10 8 10. The first phase of international system began with _? --->> peace of Westphalia the congress of Vienna colonialism World War I