Telegram group: ====== INR322 ====== 1. Strategic management is both a _____ and an art. engineering social science --->> skill 2. Strategy formation is fundamentally a process of collective behaviour, based on the beliefs shared by the______. collectedness --->> members conflicts catastrophies 3. Effective strategic managers should have the knowledge, the skills and ____ necessary to the organisation. --->> vision dribbling skillful dazzle 4. Strategy _______ is a cognitive process that takes place in the mind of the strategist. --->> formulation challenges focus cost 5. The Prescriptive and the Process are basically two models that purport to explain _____ formulation. prescriptor processsor mentol --->> strategy 6. Strategy formulation is fundamentally a political one- usually serving parochial ends that often generate ______. peace --->> conflict commensuration confirm 7. A zero-sum game is a game in which one player’s winnings equal the other player’s ______. full half --->> losses equal 8. Game theory can be used to examine both simple and _____ strategic issues such as ethnic conflicts and arm races. --->> complex radical rough gentle 9. The concept of ______ has from time immemorial, been a part of human existence and a natural part of our daily lives. Consciousness tenacious tnetatious --->> Conflict 10. The Prisoner’s Dilemma is one of the best-known models in _____ theory. freeze plan --->> game function