Telegram group: ====== ESM112 ====== 1. The term used to describe the mouth of river segment or ocean inlets where saltwater and fresh water mix is ____________ reservoir --->> lake floodplain estuaries 2. When energy in the form of food is passed from an organism in a lower tropic level to one in a higher level it is called_____ food network --->> food chain food web food value 3. In a food chain, the third trophic level (T3) comprises_________ primary consumer --->> secondary consumers primary producer tertiary producer 4. In a food chain, the fourth trophic level (T4) comprises______ --->> Tertiary consumer primary consumer secondary consumer primary producer 5. The biotic elements of an ecosystem is usually classified as producers, consumers and_______________ omnivores carnivore --->> decomposers living things 6. The State of Lagos can be regarded as _____________________ State landlock --->> aquatic hinterland arid 7. Nutrients and matter are continuously circulated in an ecosystem between the various components in well defined __________ pathways rectangular --->> cyclical horizontal vertical 8. ________ is the capacity of a body to do work power --->> energy polly hammer 9. Which of the following States in Nigeria is situated in the Sudan savanna vegetation belt____________ Lagos Delta Kaduna --->> Gombe 10. One of the following is a tree that strives in the tropical desert ecological zone_________ mangrove --->> cactus locust bean Ecalyptus