Telegram group: ====== ENT304 ====== 1. ……….. has no intention to making rating of governance of listed companies mandatory. --->> SEBI WHO ICAN OECD 2. Management and director turnovers are common in …….. And……….. in response to poor corporate performance. US and Germany China and Spain Germany and Iran --->> Germany and Japan 3. The board of directors has the right and responsibility to remove ……………. performing managers incompetent lazy --->> poorly uncommitted 4. ……………. activism involves the task of aggressive monitoring and controlling the firm's management holder Members --->> Shareholder Citizens 5. The ……….. large investors appear to be soft with the management. --->> Japanese German Chinese Spanish 6. Leadership is defined as the process of influencing the activities of an organized group toward ………….. --->> goal achievement objectives aims merits 7. Members of the board of directors assume the………. of monitoring, directing and appointing the firm‘s managers. role --->> responsibility duty commitmemnt 8. This theory centers on the issues concerning the stakeholders in an institution. This is ……… theory Vroom --->> stakeholder's theory Maslow Contigency 9. ……... stakeholders aspire to enter into relationships with enterprises whose governance credentials are exemplary. --->> Potential Intending Confirm Ready 10. Leadership has been defined as the ability to inspire other people to accomplish a preset…………... goal aims --->> objective. merits