Telegram group: ====== EDU758 ====== 1. The computer as a tutee means it is a teacher --->> a learner an assessor a tool 2. Which of the following named computer application a tool? --->> Taylor Francis Newton Babbage 3. WWW means World Web Wide World Wide Webb --->> World Wide Web Wide Web World 4. Which of the following is not a disadvantage of the Internet? Pornography Addiction Loss of Privacy --->> Better Education 5. In which country did the idea of Internet originate from? Nigeria UK --->> US Japan 6. The following package is not used for preparation of Educational instruction --->> Operating System MS Word MS Excel MS Power Point 7. The following is a disadvantage of the Internet --->> Virus Training Research Video Conference 8. The following are areas of benefits of the Internet except _____ Research Business --->> Typing Advertisement 9. Which of the following is not a graphic packages? --->> LOTUS 1-2-3 Paint Draw Perfect Harvard Graphic 10. Which of the following are examples of database management packages? Dbase IV Fox Pro --->> Microsoft Word Microsoft Access