Telegram group: ====== EDU740 ====== 1. When was Universal Primary Education (UPE) introduced? 1978 1977 --->> 1976 1975 2. The first writing material was the …….. paypus paper pasyprus paper --->> papyrus paper paupyrus paper 3. The Mathematics curriculum in the secondary mathematics is ……… and the content are described ……… vertically, horizontally respectively --->> horizontally, vertically respectively concentric, vertically respectively horizontally, concentric respectively 4. ……… theory grew into a very useful subject that finds its application in engineering, games of chance, business and science. Atomic Binomial --->> Probability Pascal 5. The first book was titled ……. knowing all that Exist and Rules for Inquiry into Nature --->> Rules for Inquiry into Nature and Knowing all that Exist Inquiry into Nature and Rules for all that Exist Nature into Inquiry and Rules for all that Exist 6. Pascal produced Pascal Triangle, to detemrine …….. the Binomial coefficient of expansion --->> Coefficient of Binomial Expansion Probability Binomial Expansion of Coefficient 7. The following belong to the domain of cognitive learning ……. organising, knowledge and comprehension --->> knowledge, comprehension and synthesis evaluation, organising and analysis comprehension, synthesis and organising 8. Napier's system of logarithm differed from today's logarithm because ……….. his number is different --->> his base is different his calculation is different his index is different 9. The new curriculum of mathematics emphasise teaching mathematics as …….. learning, teaching, doing --->> doing, writing and talking waiting, writing and listening dancing, writing and manipulating 10. The following are the contributions of Pythagoras to mathematics, except ……… discovery of the harmonic progression invention of the terms odd and even numbers --->> he was the first to discover that aeroplane can fly he was the first to discover that the world was a sphere