Telegram group: ====== ECO311 ====== 1. Which one of the following is not a descriptive research? survey --->> historical documentary analysis case study 2. The type of research that involves use of questionnaire for data gathering historical --->> survey documentary experimental 3. The difference between the estimated value and the true value from an enumeration (census) is __ measurement mistake true error --->> sampling error sampling mistake 4. One of the following is not a feature of research Systematic Precise measurability --->> none of the options 5. One of the following is not type of non-probability sampling technique purposive judgemental quota --->> random 6. All the following are types of research except --->> active research applied research action research evaluation research 7. Data that are earlier collected and processed and only extracted for use by the present researcher --->> secondary date primary data internet data tertiary data 8. A clear and concise presentation of the research procedures is known as result writing --->> research report research design methodology 9. The _______ serves as a tentative answer to the problem. --->> hypothesis problem result method 10. A research report that does not have words with multiple interpretations and misleading outcomes objective research systematic research --->> precise research measured research