Telegram group: ====== CSS755 ====== 1. In Nigeria…………………………..of crime are neglected by the criminal justice system agents critique perpetrators --->> victims 2. …….. is one of official sources --->> Police record public record intensive record total record 3. There are two principal sources of official staistics they are……….. --->> official and unofficial sources new and old sources nominal and ordinal sources all of these 4. Consensual Offence is………. conspiratorial offence victimization Maximization --->> totalitarian 5. the scientific study of victims of crime is called…………….. criminalistics --->> Victimology impact assessment study total study 6. The reliability of official …………. is often hinder by the following controversies reported versus unrecorded Crime statistics nominal statistics Prominent statistics --->> Targeted stistics 7. Police discretion often influences………………….. Economic statistics Recreation and re-enactment of crime --->> reporting and recording of crime Retrospections and reallocation of crime 8. ………… is a term employed by criminologists and sociologists to describe the amount of unreported or undiscovered crime. The view that law is a rule laid down for the guidance of a being is by …. --->> dark figure bue figure fair figure light figure 9. The criminal justice systems comprises of one of the following pension parity --->> prison polarity 10. Law is a body of rules of …………. Distillation --->> Social conduct Migration Conflict