Telegram group: ====== CSS455 ====== 1. Which of the following is not an essential crime scene equipment? Bindle paper Crime Scene Barricade Tape Casting material --->> Pen and paper 2. The essence of scene processing is to---------------------------------------- --->> Have contamination control Regulate crime rate at the scene Determine the magnitude of the crime scene prevent escape of the criminal 3. The educated attempt to provide specific information about a certain type of suspect and as a biographical sketch of behavioural pattern, trends and tendencies, is called -------- Criminal examination --->> Criminal profiling Criminal statement None of the above 4. Image source identification and and malicious post-processing is which type of forensic profiling? Image profiling --->> DNA profiling Offender profiling Illegal Drug Profiling 5. The investigative method used by psychologists or other social scientists to help determine the mode of death in equivocal cases is regarded as ---------- Hpnosis --->> Psychological autopsy Measurement of hypnotisability Autopsy analysis 6. In crime scene investigation, the initial steps to be taken by a responding officer include the foolowing except-------------------------- Receipt of information safety procedure emergency care --->> allowing other persons at the scene 7. Offenders who tend to be high in the birth order of their family are regarded as --->> Organised offenders Mixed Offenders Disorganised offenders Spontanouus offenders 8. In blood and seminal sample evidence, the delay period that renders the sample useless is------------------------- 12 hours 24 hours --->> 48hours 96hours 9. Malingering in forensic psychology means --------------------------------- Movement up and down Being insane --->> Deception lost of integrity 10. The key concepts in Bartol and Bartol (1984) definition of forensic psychology include all but one of the following Research endeavour that examines aspects of human behaviour The professional practice of psychology within or in consultation with a legal system Eyewitness memory and testimony, jury decision making, or criminal behaviour --->> All of the above