Telegram group: ====== CSS352 ====== 1. Research into persistent offending has emphasized need to focus on prevention effort on crime during Adulthood --->> Early childhood Maturity Old age 2. Study have shown that teen pregnancy creates high risk factor towards --->> Criminality Dysfunctional parenting Disabilities Punitive tendencies 3. Families are uniquely placed in --->> Contributing to raising healthy members of society Parental conflict Parental inaequacy Family conditions 4. The London charter defined that Only decrees, law and procedures were recognized --->> Only crimes of the European Axis powers could be tried War criminal were to be executed Judgement of international military Tribunal were paramount 5. When several risk factors are combined There is higher probability that crime will not occur Cause-effect mindset makes crime essy --->> There is higher probability that crime occurs Overwhehaning points to poverty 6. Unempolyed men released after terms of incarceration --->> Are more likely to re-ofend Are more likely to commit suicide Are more likely be sexually abused Are more likely to experience research problems 7. Indicate the wrong statement --->> In Nigeria crime reporting are apt Many criminal offenses are not reported Crime statistics are not reliable Risk factors combine to make the probability of criminal behaviour more significant 8. In Canada, aboriginals represent a disproportionate Violent people Unsatisfactory living conditions Low family income earners --->> Number of those incarcerated 9. While crime rates of female have increased in recent years Low family earners are more likely to be in crime --->> Males are much more likely to be involved in crime Illitercy is a factor to crime increase Marital disharmony likely affect crime 10. Police force everywhere can --->> Discourage criminal minded people Cause civil unrest Violent practices Endanger the people