Telegram group: ====== CSS343 ====== 1. For discharges from urban areas, loads can be calculated using ---- equivallents --->> person water transport computer 2. 'Source monitoring stations'' monitors water quality and enable ---- of population loads transport rivers measuring --->> calculation 3. Ethics are moral standard that help behaviour, actions and ---- plans --->> choices values Cultures 4. Data handling covers the analysis and transformation of data into ---- activities system reports --->> information 5. A water quality index is obtained by ---- several water quality measurement into a single number --->> aggrigating defining weighting identifying 6. There are ---- types of monitoring station for water quality control five four --->> three two 7. Data flow is considered in three direction, upward, downward and ---- --->> horizontally straight vertical cycle 8. The essence of scene processing is to---------------------------------------- access --->> usage process storage 9. Knowledge-based systems can be used for network ---- data validation and interpretation of spiral data programme --->> design activities all 10. The certical flow of information can often be described as a ---- system too tired --->> three tired five tired six tired