Telegram group: ====== CSS134 ====== 1. The objective of the Baro - Kano railway was to tap the cotton and groundnut growing potentials of the ……... South --->> North East West 2. Republic of Benin is a small country which extends, as a narrow territory, all the way from the ……. in the south to the River Niger in the north Pacific --->> Atlantic Oceania Nile 3. Traffic congestion is a major problem with …………transportation. air sea --->> road rail 4. The country's ……..determines its climate on which many economic activities depend economy agenda --->> location politics 5. Geographically speaking crime occurs on the surface of the …….. security climate --->> earth searchlight 6. Nigerian economy is largely…………………….dependent export --->> import deport mining 7. The thick vegetation of the landscape in the southern states of Nigeria makes them suitable for……………...operations mining --->> robbery manufacturing telescoping 8. A narrow-guage line was built from Zaria to reach Jos in ……………. to serve the tin mines. --->> 1913 1914 1915 197 9. High sea criminals are called………………. lumbered boombard --->> pirates Basterd 10. …………..are notorious for causing disputes and conflicts even in places where people may have lived amicably as neighbours for a long-time. --->> boundries fountains moutains cliffs