Telegram group: ====== CRS803 ====== 1. Who said that African Religion is diverse in its local manifestations? Mbiti Gbenda Taylor --->> Mwakabana 2. Quran carries a __ power --->> divine revelation revelation knowledge 3. Every religion is based on some fundamental __ religion faith --->> belief right 4. Africans believe in born to __ spirits die --->> alive gain serve 5. Aaron means __ --->> Haruna Salah Idrils Heber 6. A Dahriya is __ --->> atheist worshipper believer religioist 7. Quran contains essentially __ypes of message for man --->> three two four five 8. All Africans belief in the __ of God death atheist --->> existence omega 9. Shahada is belief in __ --->> God Angel man woman 10. Who defined religion as a man's experience? Idowu Mbiti --->> Gbenda Taylor