Telegram group: ====== CIT392 ====== 1. A(n) ________is a set of specific instructions executed one after the other. field object --->> procedure class 2. __________contains buttons that represent different actions, such as opening a document. Statusbar --->> Toolbar Formulabar none of the options 3. The _______of an application is the way it looks on the screen and the way in which a user provides input to the application. file input parameter --->> interface feel 4. In Ada, a ____________is a subprogram that can be invoked as part of an expression. method --->> function class subroutine 5. In C, a double -precision floating-point variable requires ___________ bytes. 2 4 --->> 8 16 6. Java bytecode can be executed on any computer with a _________________. --->> Java Virtual Machine (JVM) GCC JAVAC Java IDE 7. In C, a_________is a collection of one or more variables that have been grouped under a single name for easy manipulation. stack hash --->> structure method 8. In C, a ___________is a variable that contains the address of another variable array --->> pointer object stack 9. Which of the following is NOT a programming language? Python Haskell Pascal --->> Pareto 10. In Ada, a procedure call is a statement that returns a ________. value number --->> no value none of the options