Telegram group: ====== CIT344 ====== 1. In the binary division process, a series of performed operations is called division --->> subtraction multiplication addition 2. k-maps to minimise the number of _____________ in order to express the _________________ --->> inputs. Outputs output, input gates, output input, gates 3. Which of the following is not a binary number? 1111 1001 --->> 11A01 0' 4. The result obtained on binary multiplication of 1010 * 1100 is _____________ 1110000 1010011 1111100 --->> 1111000 5. If the number of n selected input lines is equal to 2^m then it requires _____ select lines. 2 --->> m n 2n 6. The binary number 111 in octal format is ________________ 6 --->> 7 8 5 7. The result of 0 – 1 in binary is ______________ --->> 1 11 10 8. karnaugh Map helps to reduce the number of __________ and thus the implementation _____________ design, sequence input, cost combination, cost --->> gates , cost 9. Combinational circuits help in reducing design ____________ and reduce the number of _________ in a circuit. complexity , gates standard, gates --->> complexity, chip standard, memory 10. In a multiplexer, the selection of a particular input line is controlled by ___________ Data controller --->> Selected lines Logic gates Both data controller and selected lines