Telegram group: ====== BUS831 ====== 1. The adjustment of individual behaviour to agree with the norms of the group he or she belongs to is called________________ Utilisation Adoption Acceptance --->> Conformity 2. A set of behaviour patterns expected of somebody occupying a social position is called_______________ --->> Role Mentoring Management Supervisory 3. ____________coined the term --->> Irving Janis Chester Bernard Fredrick Taylor Max Weber 4. _______________ refers to the ability of an individual to influence a group of people towards accomplishing a set of goals or vision. Communication Supervision --->> Leadership Controlling 5. Specialisation and division of labour maximises______________________ Promotion Distribution Organisation --->> Production 6. The _____________________ theory uses quantitative scientific methods to identify causation and to determine optimal solution. Hygiene --->> Systems Organisational Needs 7. The extent to which members of a group are attracted to each other and are motivated to remain in the group is called________________ Familiarisation --->> Cohesiveness Motivation Interaction 8. The tendency to base our judgment on readily available information is called__________________ Curency Bias --->> AvaIlability bias Information Bias Recency Bias 9. _________________ theory explains why some workers are motivated while others are not. Equity Self determination --->> Expectancy Needs 10. ______________three-Step Model unfreezing the status quo, movement to desired state, and refreezing the change to be permanent. --->> Lewin’s Gantt's Flippo's Scott's