Telegram group: ====== BIO306 ====== 1. Which of the following staements is TRUE about the excretory organ of snail? The excretory organs are in the form of kidneys and pericardial glands The kidneys are mesodermal organs which Communicate with the coelom The nitrogenous wastes are eliminated in the form of guanine --->> All of the options 2. The mixure of blood and fluid that surround the cells of African giant snail is called --->> Haemolymph Lymphocyte Thrombocyte Haemocytes 3. During exercise, there is an increased flow of blood to which part of the body? Brain Kidney --->> Skin Mouth 4. Which of the following statements is TRUE about cardiac cycle? The volume of blood leaving the left side of the heart is greater than that leaving the right side. The pressure of blood leaving the right side of the heart is greater than that leaving the left side. The duration of systole is greater than that of diastole. --->> The duration of diastole is greater than that of systole 5. The nitrogenous waste products secreted by cockroaches contains --->> Xanthine and hypoxanthine Urea Nitrous acids Trimethylamine oxide 6. ________ is the process by which the kidney develops is described as Kidneogenesis --->> Nephrogenesis Osteogenesis Glomerulosis 7. Each pronephric duct grows towards the tail of the embryo, and in doing so induces intermediate mesoderm in the thoracolumbar area to become epithelial tubules called --->> Mesonephric tubules Wolffian Duct Ureteric bud None of the options 8. The “master gland” of the endocrine system is called --->> The Pituitary gland The testis The Loop of Henle The Pancreas 9. Marine teleost fishes excrete a large proportion of their nitrogen as Methane Ammonia Urea --->> Trimethylamine oxide 10. Each nephron is composed of an initial filtering component, called __________ and a tubule specialised for reabsorption and secretion, the renal tubule --->> The renal corpuscle Malpighian body Glomerulus Bowman’s capsule