Telegram group: [TSM241] Cultural tourism include all except________ Monumentals [TSM241] In tourism, profiling means_________. proper understanding of tourists distributive features and their preferences [TSM241] _____is a type of tourism that attract elites to remote areas, and alien scenery, including, high mountains, tropical forest, etc. Environmental tourism [TSM241] _____is not the responsibility of the Nigerian tour operator Tourist site development [TSM241] The ____of tourists do not necessarily represent what make them different. hobbies [TSM241] Foreign tourists are similar in terms of their __________. perceptions and requirements [TSM241] Tourism associated with sun, sand, sea and sex are regarded as _______. Recreational tourism [TSM241] Ethnic tourism focus on ___________. quiant customs of exotic people [TSM241] ______is responsible for profiling foreign tourists. Government tourism department [TSM241] Host's attitudes towards tourists is not governed by _________. stereo type