Telegram group: [SLM501] The following are major functions of the soil except………….. aids photosynthesis [SLM501] Soils that are recently formed, young and immature sandy, well drained, shallow soils with weak profile development are called Inceptisols [SLM501] Soil organic matter can be maintained by practicing the following except mechanized farming [SLM501] One of these is NOT a major components of soil parent material [SLM501] Organic matter contributes/enhances the cation exchange capacity (CEC) by…………..% of the total amount 30 - 70 [SLM501] The following soil types are found in Nigerian Savannah except………….. Aridisols [SLM501] The factors that influence soil fertility include the following except………….. location [SLM501] Soil is divided into two broad groups namely Edaphology and……………. Pedology [SLM501] Soils that are just like Alfisols but much more developed, weathered and leached, with low base saturation are called Ultisols [SLM501] ………… the science that studies the characteristics, genesis, morphology and taxonomy of soils. Pedology