Telegram group: [SLM307] Weather refers to the state of the………….. at a given point in time at a given location atmosphere [SLM307] Climate is therefore the accumulation of daily and seasonal weather events of a given location over a period of………. years 30-35 [SLM307] The way man lives, the air he breathes, the food he eats and the water he drinks are all…………….related weather [SLM307] The various activities of man revolve around his search for the following axcept job [SLM307] Weather is what determine…….. and if the planted crops will grow to maturity crop yield [SLM307] Microclimatology is the scientific study of microclimate that deals with the following pertinent factors except Soil factor [SLM307] Climate on the other hand, is the process of…………. exchange between the earth and the atmosphere over a long period of time. heat [SLM307] Modern climatology emerged from the challenges posed by the needs of……………. society [SLM307] The zone lying between the highest level reached by the plant and the lowest depth to which air penetrates into the soil is called boundary layer [SLM307] On a hot humid day we normally feel uncomfortably warm and blame it on the…………...of the weather humidity