Telegram group: [PPL518] One of these does not make reference to the 'place of arbitration'? Art. 18 New York Convention [PPL518] In statutory instruments, another term for 'seat' may be ………. place [PPL518] In which of the following cases was the issue of seat raised on appeal P & ID v. FGN and Abuja Hotels v. Le Meridien [PPL518] In P&ID v. FGN, the location in contention regarding the seat was …….. London [PPL518] One of these bodies may set the seat of arbitration if not specifically stated in the arbitration agreement. The Tribunal [PPL518] According to ………….., the legal system offers a 'shoulder' for arbitration proceedings to lean on. Kerr LJ [PPL518] In which case was the idea of arbitral procedures unconnected with municipal system of law rejected? Bank Mellat v. Helliniki Techniki [PPL518] In arbitration, 'seat' usually has a ……………. connotation jurisdictional [PPL518] Which of the following measures may the law of the set empower a court to exercise? all of the options [PPL518] In arbitration, venue usually has a ……………. connotation geographical