POL124 Email: bbcnoun@gmail.com Whatsapp: 08131667008 October 1,1960 marked the beginning of theâ€| state in Nigeria? Answer: post-colonial A...state is one in which there is a domineering central authority serving as the sole source of authority to the territorial units. Answer: unitary The... Constitution was made in 1922. Answer: Clifford Vs ...is usually a passion for unity and love for oneVs country? Answer: nationalism Nigeria was colonised by? Answer: britain The first military coup took place in Nigeria on? Answer: january 15, 1966 ... made a history of being the first colonial Governor ever to, allow Africans to have inputs in the document that explained, how they were to be governed. Answer: sir john mcpherson In a ... system, there is a central government and the component units that are not subordinate to but co-ordinate with the central body? Answer: federal The history of the Nigerian federation is as old as the history of? Answer: nigeria The Co lony of Lagos did not enjoy autonomy under a distinct Governor until? Answer: 1886 Email: bbcnoun@gmail.com Whatsapp: 08131667008