Telegram group: [PHY314] Statement that begins with two slashes (/) in C++ language is taken as a ___ by the compiler. Comment [PHY314] ____ programming as a tool for numerical analysis C++ [PHY314] A line that begins with # C++ language program is a directive for the ____ Preprocessor [PHY314] Namespace contains all the elements of the standard _____ C++ library [PHY314] C++ programming is a tool for ____ Numerical analysis [PHY314] The symbol << program in C++ language is the _____ Insertion operator [PHY314] The angular frequency of oscillation in the quation x'' + ω²x = 0 is ω [PHY314] Which of these statemenst begin the definition of the main function? int main () in C++ language. [PHY314] A pair of second-orderordinary differential equations were reduced to ____ first-order differential equations 4 [PHY314] an nth order ordinary differential equation can be written as a set of ___ ordinary differential equations n