Telegram group: [PHY303] A spaceship is headed toward Alpha Centauri at 0.999c. According to us, the distance to Alpha Centauri is about 4 light-years. How far away is Alpha Centauri according to the travelers in the ship? quite a bit less than 4 light-years [PHY303] Which of the following statements best describes what is The theory says that everything is relative. [PHY303] Which of the following statements best describes what is The theory says that measurements of motion make sense only when we state what they are measured relative to. [PHY303] Which of the following statements best describes what is The theory says that everything is relative. [PHY303] The primary difference between the special theory of relativity and the general theory of relativity is that the general theory also describes the nature of gravity. [PHY303] The primary difference between the special theory of relativity and the general theory of relativity is that the general theory also describes length contraction. [PHY303] If you see Ali going to your left at exactly 0.99c and Jide going to your right at exactly 0.99c, Ali will say that Jide is going away from her faster than 0.99c, but slower than c. [PHY303] If you see Ali going to your left at exactly 0.99c and Jide going to your right at exactly 0.99c, Ali will say that Jide is going away from her faster than 0.99c, but slower than c. [PHY303] You and Ali are both floating freely in your spaceships. Suppose Ali is moving away from you at 85 km/hr. You throw a ball in his direction at a speed of 75 km/hr. According to Ali, which of the following is going on? He sees you moving away from him at 85 km/hr and the ball moving away from him at 10 km/hr. [PHY303] You and Ali are both floating freely in your spaceships. Suppose Ali is moving away from you at 85 km/hr. You throw a ball in his direction at a speed of 75 km/hr. According to Ali, which of the following is going on? He agrees that he is moving at 85 km/hr and the ball is moving at 75 km/hr while you are standing still.