Telegram group: [PHY192] The resistance of a wave can be measured with Potentiometer [PHY192] In a wire with uniform cross section the ratio of potential difference to the length of the wire is a _____ Constant [PHY192] The slope of the graph of voltage versus current for resistors provides the ____ Resistance [PHY192] The emf of cell is ____ to the length of the wire Inversely proportional [PHY192] When a galvanometer shows no deflection in a circuit, what is the implication No current flow [PHY192] In a uniform wire of uniform cross section, the potential difference is _____ to the length. Directly proportional [PHY192] Plotting a graph of voltage versus current for non ohmic conductors gives Non- Linear [PHY192] If the equation of a plot is Y= mx+ c.What is the value of m slope [PHY192] The Unit of Potential gradient is Volts/Meter [PHY192] Y = mx + c is the equation for a Straight Line