Telegram group: [PHS322] Community Mobilization process must involved, except: Town hall [PHS322] Community Mobilization has been defined as: capacity building process through which community individuals, groups, or organizations plan, carry out and evaluate activities on a participatory and sustained basis to improve health and other needs on their own initiative or stimulated by others [PHS322] Community mobilization is: communities are the drivers [PHS322] Community mobilization focuses on: creating awareness [PHS322] “Community mobilization is directed at stimulating people to be aware of what they can do by and for themselves to improve their health and solve some of their health problems” is: true [PHS322] These key components of community mobilization include: all of the a,b, and c above [PHS322] Community mobilization in part of health workers requires except: rich [PHS322] Organizational structure of a community includes, except: Town crier [PHS322] Community to solve its problems through its own efforts reflects: community driven [PHS322] A community could be considered “mobilized” when all members feel as: a and b above