Email: Whatsapp/Telegram/Signalapp: 08131667008 PHS217 Question: Plasmodium is regarded as a taxonomy. Answer: Genus Question: describes the ability of a lens to separate small objects that are close together. Answer: Resolution Question: All these microorganisms produce acids except Answer: A.torue Question: describes one of the essential steps involved in fixed stained smears of cells. Answer: Fixation Question: permits the examination of organism in a normal living condition. Answer: Hanging drop Question: Medical microbiology is described as an aspect of microbiology. Answer: Applied Question: One of these is a method of staining Answer: Simple staining Question: All these are not used in bioleaching except Answer: T.feroxidans Question: Observation of living unstained cells and organism as a result of change in the way they are illuminated described the usage of Answer: Dark field microscope Email: Whatsapp/Telegram/Signalapp: 08131667008