Telegram group: [PHS203] ________ discovers anthrax bacillus and tubercle bacillus. Robert Koch [PHS203] The first recognition of cases of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) was made in ________. 1981 [PHS203] Influenza, tuberculosis, anthrax and trachoma are classified as ________. Pandemic [PHS203] The rules governing medical practice is called __________. Code of Hammurabi [PHS203] In the past, agricultural development led to improvements in ________. Nutrition [PHS203] World Health Organization was founded in _________. 1946 [PHS203] ________publishes findings on microbial causes of disease. Louis Pasteur [PHS203] Another name for plague is ________. Black Death [PHS203] __________ found vaccines against anthrax. Louis Pasteur [PHS203] Edward Jenner discovered the first vaccination against ________. Diphtheria