Telegram group: [PHL252] The sudden explosion that gave rise to the universe is regarded as what in some quarters? The Big Bang [PHL252] What is the name given to the belief that the universe eveolved gradually from inorganic and organic until it got to human life level? Evolutionism [PHL252] What name did Plato give to the creative force behind all things? Demiurge [PHL252] Which attribute of God expresses the fact that God is pure and has no parts? Simplicity [PHL252] Which of the following does not capture the etymological meaning of religion? Legio [PHL252] Who pioneered the ontological argument about the existence of God? St Anselm [PHL252] What is the basic argument of theological determinism? God determines every event [PHL252] Gaunillo refuted the ontological argument with an argument about what? Greatest possible island [PHL252] The idea of free will was first propounded y who? St Augustine [PHL252] As what does Aristotle's Deus Otiosis project God? Remote God