PCR352 Email: bbcnoun@gmail.com Whatsapp: 08131667008 ‭ ‬development enables us to speak of development in specific terms, which enhance or hinder peace and sustainability of life Answer: metaphase About three quarters (75 per cent) of the earth is covered by . Answer: water Healthy living and longevity are concerns. Answer: environmental When there is atmospheric balance, we have clean Answer: air A - factor approach has been used to drive home the understanding of metaphase development as it impinges upon the quality of life Answer: five The is the blanket sheet of gases covering the earth surface Answer: atmosphere The is the first layer of air from the earth extending upwards before the stratosphere where Ozone is found. Answer: atmosphere dumping of chemical wastes, toxicological substances, emissions, run-off water, refuse, dead substances acid rain, and other forms of human wastes into water bodies have become an concern Answer: environmental Humanity is fast losing control of the Answer: environment The consists basically of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and other trace gases Answer: atmosphere Email: bbcnoun@gmail.com Whatsapp: 08131667008