Email: Whatsapp/Telegram/Signalapp: 08131667008 PCR276 Question: Social is the process of interpreting information about another person Answer: Perception Question: The act of associating a person’s ethnic or religious origin with certain behaviour trait is called Answer: Stereotype Question: The predisposition to respond to a particular object in a favourable way is called Answer: Attitude Question: When a particular conflict scenario results in positive change for the conflict actors, such conflict can be referred to as Answer: Constructive Conflict Question: - is defined as an act of being aware of “one’s environment through physical sensation, which denotes an individual’s ability to understandâ€D Answer: Social Perception Question: The word confligere in Latin language means Answer: To clash Question: A form of conflict that takes place within a person especially when decisions are to be made by a person is called Answer: Intra-personal conflict Question: Occur when people have perception and values that are contradictory Answer: Conflict Question: All the following can be tagged genocide except Answer: Deliberately favouring members of a group against another Question: An attempt to bring down or lessening the violent or destructive outcomes of conflict is called Answer: Conflict Management Question: Which of the following is not a group of people Answer: None of the options Question: When a particular conflict scenario result in positive change for the conflict actors, such conflict can be referred to as Answer: Constructive Conflict Email: Whatsapp/Telegram/Signalapp: 08131667008