PCR271 Email: bbcnoun@gmail.com Whatsapp: 08131667008 The pluralist school emerged as a criticism to the political doctrine of Answer: soverignty The causes of conflict are : psychological needs, values and Answer: resources Israel invaded in 1982 Answer: lebanon ‭ ‬intervention is a form of propaganda by one state for the purpose of causing a revolt Answer: subversive as incompatible behaviour between parties Answer: conflict Resolution reaffirms the principle of non intervention Answer: 2131 conflict is one that is generated within the organisation Answer: endogenous ‭ ‬intervention is a form of reprisal for the injury suffered in the hands of another state Answer: punitive Blockade is a form of power by foreign Answer: intervention conflict exists between two or more individuals over an issue Answer: interpersonal The capital of South Korea is Answer: Seoul Article 2, Paragraph 4 of UN Charter the use of force by States Answer: prohibit Reprisal relates to taking action by one state against another in resolution of dispute Answer: coercive theory states that conflict is necessary for achieving an end in the society Answer: dahrendorf Which of the following is not a form of intervention by a foreign power ? Answer: mediation Article of UN Charter prohibits the use of force by States Answer: 2 Nigeria became a republic in Answer: 1963 NigeriaVs civil war ended in Answer: 1970 Email: bbcnoun@gmail.com Whatsapp: 08131667008