Telegram group: [PAD784] Comparative Public Administration studies are broadly classified into --------- Five [PAD784] The person who argued that as long as the study of Public Administration is not comparative, claims of a science of Public Administration sound rather hollow is ---- Wilson [PAD784] --------------- is not among the factors that influenced the development of Comparative Public Administration The ideological welfare between East and West [PAD784] Comparison that involves time frames for analysis is called -------------------------- Cross Temporal Analysis [PAD784] --------------- has widened our horizon in understanding how bureaucracy and government in general operate in different cultural settings and countries Comparative Public Administration [PAD784] The tradiitional studies of comparative public administration were mainly -------- Non-----ecological [PAD784] The most prominent early user of comparison in literature is ------------------ Aristotle [PAD784] The scholar who advocated that the term Riggs [PAD784] The group that created Comparative Administration is called ------------------- American Society of Public Administration [PAD784] The scholar who said that Comparative Public Administration is concerned with making rigorous cross-cultural comparisms of the structures and processes involved in the activity of public administering public affairs is ------ Robert Jackson