Telegram group: [PAD707] Local government have become ……………tools for the conduct of election Useful [PAD707] ________defined Local Government as a sub-unit of government control by local council Maddick [PAD707] regarded as a subordinate system of governmetn None pf the above [PAD707] Legal entity which can sue and be sued for wrong doing is …………………. Local council [PAD707] __________ is the closest tier of government to the people Local government [PAD707] In ……. System power is shared between the central government and the local government Unitary [PAD707] ________is not recognised chatracteristics of Local Authority by law [PAD707] ______is grassroots government recognised by law Local authority [PAD707] ………….. are created to deconjest the function of the central government. Local government [PAD707] In Local government, citizen participation is called …………………….principle Democratic