Telegram group: [PAD341] Public Administration was defined as the art and science of management as applied to the officers of state by ------------------------ Waldo, 1985 [PAD341] The scholar who distinguished between traditional and the new approaches to the study of administration is --------------------------- Basu (1994) [PAD341] POSDCORB was originated first from the look of ------------------------------ Gullick and Urwick (1937) [PAD341] The person who made a classification of the main forms of applied administration of\ the basis of ten principal function is ------------------ Walker [PAD341] The author that defined Administration as the organization and use of men and materials to accomplish a purpose is ------------------------- Nigro, 1965 [PAD341] The field of Public Administration is ----------- Very wide [PAD341] The the administrative capacity [PAD341] Thet the subject-matter [PAD341] ---------------- was of the view that administration is concerned with the Dimock, 1937 [PAD341] The recruitment and training of the personnel and their conditions of work involves ------------------------ Staffing