Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008 PAD330 Question: Minutes are submission of facts in form Answer: Concise Question: Accuracy as an important feature of a good draft means the of all facts and figures before writing Answer: Verification Question: The top left hand side of a minute refers to the person by to whom it is written Answer: Appointment Question: Prior to the meeting, an should have been circulated to all who have been invited to attend. Answer: Agenda Question: Minutes should be typed in Answer: Double line spacing Question: The minutes of a meeting should show the following except Answer: Parties Question: All civil servants are required to take an Answer: Oath of secrecy Question: The full meaning of P.S. is Answer: Postscript Question: A draft is a eply, circular or other document put up by an officer to a higher authority Answer: Proposed Question: A brief is a summary of a subject prepared for a superior Answer: Authority Question: The abbreviation E.T.D means in full Answer: Estimated Time of Departure Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008