Telegram group: [PAD302] The Ruler who did his best to revive the declining power of the Kanuri Empire by maintaining international reputation and the deplomatic links which Idris Alooma established is ------------------------- Mai Ali Omar [PAD302] The ruler who founded dynasty in about A.D. 774 was called --------------------- Dugu [PAD302] _______ is not among the early peoples of the Kanem area The Nupe [PAD302] The king who made a pilgrimage to Mecca and acquired a hotel in Holy City for his people visiting Arabia on pilgrimage is called ----------------------------- Mai Idris Alooma [PAD302] The person who succeeded Ali Ghaji in 1504 is --------------------- Idris Katakarmbe [PAD302] In Kanuri empire, the imperial high court of justice was presided over by a chief justice who ranked second in the empire and he is known as --------------------------- Maima Kanendi [PAD302] The emergence of Kanem can be attribute to ---------------------- the good and fertile soil on lake chad plains [PAD302] Pre-colonial Administration simply means ----------------------- System of Administration before Britain came to Africa [PAD302] Kanem was founded by ---------------------- a prince called Kisra [PAD302] The group of inhabitants that came later in Kanem-Bornu is ---------------------------- the Bulala