Telegram group: [NSC508] ……………………………..described the user level technical competencies to include the ability of the nurse to use spread sheet applications among others Kaminski in 2011 [NSC508] …………………… does not know anything about the subject he/she is approaching and has to memorize its context-free features Novice [NSC508] one example of a discipline-specific informatics practice within the broader category of health informatics Nursing Informatics [NSC508] ……………………………………. initially proposed the stages of Novice, Competent, Proficient, Expertise and Mastery. Dreyfus and Dreyfus in 1980 [NSC508] The term nursing informatics was first seen in literature in the year…................ 1980 [NSC508] …………………involve the ability of the nurse to synthesizes data from more than one source and applies to practice Modifier level competencies [NSC508] ………………………………published seminar work that described the study of nursing informatics using the concepts of data, information and knowledge Graves and Corcoran in 1989 [NSC508] The early definition of medical informatics was modified to acknowledge that all health care professionals are part of medical informatics by…............................ Ball and Hannah in 1985 [NSC508] The ability of the nurse to use computerized management systems to record administrative data like billing data, quality assurance data and workload data is referred to as………………………………. Leadership Competencies [NSC508] ……………………………can provide information about a possible dangerous medication interaction or allergy that might not otherwise be immediately apparent. Electronic record