Telegram group: [NSC501] An informed consent form signed by the client is required by many institutions for: Voluntary Surgical Contraception (VSC) [NSC501] Which of the following phrases explain the pica appropriately? Craving for certain foods and unnatural substances [NSC501] When the fundal height is at the level of the xiphisternum, it shows that the gestational age of the woman is ___ weeks 36 [NSC501] Kangaroo mother care is an effective way to meet the baby’s need for: All of the above [NSC501] A pregnant woman in labour is encouraged to empty her bladder in order to ensure good descent of the head every ______hours 2 [NSC501] The anti – shock garment is divided in _____segments 3 [NSC501] Emergency contraception is taken within_____hours after an unprotected sexual intercourse 72 [NSC501] Using billings ovulation method, which of the options below is most useful in determining ovulation? Cervical mucus [NSC501] What is the priority Nursing action immediately after birth? Assess infant Apgar score [NSC501] What is the duration of intrauterine contraceptive device after insertion? 5 years