NSC405 Email: bbcnoun@gmail.com Whatsapp: 08131667008 In essentialist view, the teacher is considered as? Answer: the expert Rote learning is example of which cognitive domain? Answer: knowledge Existence precedes essence is assertion of which philosophy view? Answer: existentialism Another name for working model is? Answer: physical model Which domain is consemed with motor skill? Answer: psychomotor domain Verbal models areâ€|.. Answer: conceptual model Jean-Jacques Rousseau is aâ€|â€|. Answer: radicalist Drawings are example of which model? Answer: graphic model Stages of Curriculum development include all except? Answer: collation of timetable Which of the education philosophy supports child centred education? Answer: progressive view Learning methods in essentialism are these, except Answer: studentVs presentation In formulating behavioural objectives.which type of verb is used? Answer: action verb Chemical equation is an example of which model? Answer: mathematical model â€!â€|â€|.are blueprints of curriculum Answer: models Reconstructionsm belongs to which of the educational view? Answer: radical view The factors influening curriculum development include all, except? Answer: cultural factors The relationship between subject matter is? Answer: integration The best curriculum approach to training health worker is? Answer: competency-based approach The curriculum development approach that puts thesubject before the student is? Answer: subject-centred approach Email: bbcnoun@gmail.com Whatsapp: 08131667008