NSC316 Email: bbcnoun@gmail.com Whatsapp: 08131667008 The traditional model of infectious disease causation is known as Answer: epidemiology triangle model combines social and psychological standards to the concept of health Answer: the role performance model Data are organised and summarised according to time, place, and person in Answer: descriptive epidemiology The mode of transmission of disease causing agents from mother directly to baby is through: Answer: vertical transmission is a set of standard criteria for deciding whether a person has a particular disease or other health-related condition Answer: case definition Demographic factors of individual characteristics include all but Answer: parity Which of the following models incorporated the realization of one potential for complete development Answer: eudaemonistic model The adaptive role model incorporates both the Answer: clinical and role performance model Direct mode of transmission include Answer: droplet spread The following are the missions of nurses working with communities except Answer: provision of health services at individual and institutional’s level Email: bbcnoun@gmail.com Whatsapp: 08131667008