Telegram group: [NSC212] Vitamin _________ is an example of a fat soluble vitamin A [NSC212] Nutrition can be described as a science because it can be proven human and ____ Animals [NSC212] Rickets in children and oesteomalacia in adult are deficiency disease of Calcium [NSC212] Incomplete digestion is called __________ Despepsia [NSC212] Patients who are suffering from ulcer should avoid ____________ Coffee [NSC212] Deficiency of riboflavin (Vitamin B2) for example, leads to ______ Angular stomatitis [NSC212] ___________ is weight loss which, when severe, has a high mortality. Malnutrition [NSC212] One of the vitamins which are lost most readily during cooking is Vitamin C [NSC212] Imbalance electrolytes may lead to ___________ Kidney failure [NSC212] The risk of obesity, heart disease, & cancer is increased by a diet high in ______ Fat