Telegram group: [NSC205] _________ is the study of diseases by scientific methods. Pathology [NSC205] The movement of cells and substances along a chemical gradient is known as ____________. chemotaxis [NSC205] ______________ is an example of the increment in the thickness cardiac muscle due to systemic hypertension. hypertrophy [NSC205] The deposition of calcium salts in dead and degenerating tissues in the setting of normal serum calcium levels and normal calcium metabolism is known as __________ Dystrophic calcification [NSC205] oncogenes were previously _________________ before transformation. protooncogenes [NSC205] _________ is a product of inflammation due to bacterial infection and is composed of purulent inflammatory material, abundance of leukocytes (mostly neutrophils), the debris of dying and dead cells and bacteria. Pus [NSC205] Superantigens are associated with _________ shock. septic shock [NSC205] ______ is an example of a non-caseating granulomatous inflammatory disorder syphilis [NSC205] A tumour composed of cells with hyperchromatic nuclei, prominent nuceloi with variable cytoplasms and capable of metastasis is most likely a _____________ tumour. malignant [NSC205] A 65 year old woman presented with abdominal swelling and weight loss. Histology of the mass removed at surgery showed cystically dilated cavities lined by malignant epithelial cells with multiple, scattered small, round, laminated calcifications. This type of calcification is known as __________________. Dystrophic calcification