NSC203 Email: bbcnoun@gmail.com Whatsapp: 08131667008 Pneumatic and inhibitory centers are associated with Answer: breathing A person met with an accident and died instantly without any injury to heart, brain, stomach and kidney. One of the following is a reason for his death Answer: diaphragm got punctured Asphyxia occurs due to which of the following condition? Answer: rise in level of co2 When the oxygen supply to the tissues is inadequate, the condition is Answer: hypoxia BCG vaccine is used to curb Answer: tuberculosis One of the following is a difference between pulmonary respiration of frog and human Answer: diaphragm and ribs play role in respiration If the thoracic wall but not lungs is punctured Answer: the man dies as lungs get collapsed In humans,ventilation movements of lungs are governed by Answer: diaphragm and inter coastal muscles Number of alveoli in the two human lungs is Answer: 600-800 millions The metal associated with haemoglobin is Answer: iron Email: bbcnoun@gmail.com Whatsapp: 08131667008