Telegram group: [MTH401] A set which contains each of its point of accumulation is said to be a/an _______________________ Closed [MTH401] The intersection of any finite number of open set in \(\mattab{R}\)is ______________________ Open [MTH401] A set said to be open if and only if each of its points is a/an __________________ Interior point [MTH401] If the inverse image of an open set is open, then the function is said to be ___________________ Continuous [MTH401] A subset of metric space \((E,d)\) is a closed set if it contains ___________________ All its limit points [MTH401] When is a set \(A\) of real number said to be complete If every Cauchy sequence of points in A converges to a point in A [MTH401] The set of limit points of F, denoted by \(F^{t}\), is called _____________ Derive set of F [MTH401] Which of the following statement is false Any compact subset of a Hausdaorff space is compact [MTH401] A set A is a super set of B when ____________________ \(B\subset A\) [MTH401] Consider the sequence \( a_{n} : n\in \mattab{N}\), if and only if for every \(\in\) , there exist a positive integer \(n_{0}\) such that \(|a_{n}-a_{m} |<\in\), such sequence is said to be ____________________ Cauchy sequence