Telegram group: [MTH232] Given \(\frac{dz}{dx}\) and \(\frac{dz}{dy}\), they are ______ with respect to x and y respectively. partial derivatives [MTH232] If \(U=U(x,y,z,t)\), then corresponding total differential equation will be _____ \(Pdx+Qdy+Rdz+Tdt=0\) [MTH232] In an ordinary or partial differential equation, ____ and its derivatives occur in the degree only and not as higher power or product. the independent variables [MTH232] A differential equation involving only ordinary derivatives is called ______ ordinary differential equation [MTH232] The _____ of a function of two variables \((z=f(x,y))\) with respect to one of the independent is defined as \(\frac{\partial z}{\partial x}=\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}=f_x (x,y)=lim_{\Delta y\rightarrow 0}\frac{f(x+\Delta x,y)-f(x,y)}{\Delta x}\) partial derivatives [MTH232] The _____ of a differential equation is order of the highest order derivative appearing in the equation. Order [MTH232] A ____ contains two or more dependent variables together with their derivatives with respect to a single independent variable which may or may not exist explicitly into the equation. total differential equation [MTH232] The total differential \(du\) of a function \(U(x,y)\) is defined as _____ \(du=\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}dx+\frac{\partial u}{\partial y}dy\) [MTH232] The ____of a differential equation is the highest exponent of the highest order derivative appearing in it after equation has been expressed in the form free radicals and any fractional power of derivatives. degree [MTH232] An equation involving one (or more) dependent variable derivatives with respect to one or one independent variables is called a ______ differential equation