Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008 MTH212 Question: If the transpose of A is -A, then A is said to be Answer: Skew symmetric Question: Two finite ‑ dimensional vector spaces U and V are isomorphic if and only if Answer: dim U = dim V Question: Let T: Uât’V be a linear transformation . T is an isomorphism (or is invertible) if it is one-one and onto, and then U and V are called Answer: Isomorphic spaces Question: Linear transformations are also called â€| Answer: vector space homomorphisms Question: Let \\(T: Uâf V\\) be a linear transformation. T is called â€| if, for each \\ (vâ““V,â“/ uâ~U \\)such that T(u) = v, that is R(T) = v. Answer: Surjective Question: Let U and V be vector spaces over a field F. Let \\(T: Uâf V\\)be a linear transformation. Which of the statement below is true? Answer: Ker T is a subspace of U and R(T) is a subspace of V Question: Let U and V be finite-dimensional vector spaces over F. the U and V are isomorphic if and only if â€| Answer: dim U = dim V Question: A number which can be expressed in the form p/q here p and q are integers and q not equal zero is called Answer: rational number Question: Let U and V be vector spaces over a field F, and let T:Uâ+’V be a one-one and onto linear transformation. The T is called anâ€| Answer: Isomorphism between U and V Question: Let T: UâfV be a linear transformation where U. V are of the same finite dimension. Then the following statements are equivalent. Which one of the statement is not true? Answer: T is homomorphism Question: T:l)â+’V is one-one if and only if â€| Answer: KerT=0 Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008